Coun. Sully O’Sullivan, City of Armstrong public works committee, chairperson displays the water meters that will be installed in the city.

Coun. Sully O’Sullivan, City of Armstrong public works committee, chairperson displays the water meters that will be installed in the city.

Armstrong avoids wireless water meters

Concerns about wireless technology prompt Armstrong to bring wired water meters on board

Concerns about using wireless technology to install water meters in Armstrong homes have been addressed.

Council has voted unanimously to purchase iPerl meters and wired touchpad water meter devices to install in homes.

The option was one of three presented to council from Corix Utilities. It was the only option that did not involve wireless technology, and was the lowest priced choice at $676,000.

“All prices include supply, installation, estimated additional plumbing costs, a 10 per cent contingency and net HST,” said Coun. Sully O’Sullivan, chairperson of the city’s public works committee.

The city has already installed about 200 of the old-style water meters on some homes, and O’Sullivan said those will be place until they break down, and will be replaced.

Mayor Chris Pieper said there about 1,400 water meters left to be installed.

The city budgeted $850,000 for meter installation in 2011.

“I’m happy we don’t have to borrow from ourselves,” said Coun. Ryan Nitchie, as the city had $400,000 from its water reserve bookmarked for the installation, and another $268,000 will come from gas tax revenue.



Vernon Morning Star