The Armstrong Curling Club has been designated as a cooling centre for residents from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily through the current heat wave. (Facebook photo)

Armstrong Curling Club opens as cooling centre

City responds to residents' needs during heat wave

  • Jun. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Armstrong’s curling centre is now a cooling centre.

One day after announcing it would monitor the community’s needs for the current heat wave blanketing the province, the City of Armstrong will open a cooling centre at the Armstrong Curling Club at 3315 Pleasant Valley Road (on the IPE Grounds) as the heat wave is anticipated to last through the week.

The rink is open Tuesday until 6 p.m. and will reopen daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until further notice.

“Residents affected by the heat wave are encouraged to attend the cooling centre for cooling and rehydration during the specified hours,” said city emergency program coordinator Warren Smith. “Parking is available on site. Residents that are unable to find transportation to the cooling centre should contact the city at 250-546-3023 to request assistance.”

Residents wishing to volunteer at the cooling centre can also contact the city.

Overheating during extremely hot weather can lead to dangerous health conditions such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, said Smith in a release. Some people are more susceptible to hot weather, including older adults, infants and children, those with chronic diseases, outdoor workers, and marginalized populations.

“The human body cools itself by sweating, so drinking lots of water is critically important during hot weather, even for those who do not feel thirsty,” he said. “Sweat provides the most effective cooling when air from a natural breeze or a fan moves over the skin and evaporates the moisture.”

Applying water directly to the skin using a sprayer, a wet towel, or a wet shirt can also help to promote evaporative cooling, especially in situations when the ambient temperature is high.

The spray park at Memorial Park extended its operations by an hour Monday, June 28, and is now open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

READ MORE: Too hot for Vernon sidewalks to handle

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