Armstrong on hunt for new financial officer

Terry Martens tenders his resignation for personal reasons

Armstrong on hunt for new financial officer

The City of Armstrong has the help wanted sign out.

Chief financial officer Terry Martens has tendered his resignation, effective the end of June.

“I’m leaving for personal reasons. After seven years, I felt it was time for a change,” said Martens, a husband and father of young kids who came to Armstrong after two years with the City of Vernon.

Before that, the Manitoba native worked for five years with the community of Taylor, near Fort St. John, in northern B.C.

Martens was praised by council at their last regular meeting April 10 for helping the city receive a glowing audit report from its auditors, KPMG.

“We were surprised by his resignation and we’re certainly disappointed to see him go,” said Armstrong Mayor Chris Pieper. “He’s done an excellent job these past seven years. Before that, I remember interviewing him for the position and he was hands down the best candidate for the job.

“He was good to every single one of us on council.”

Martens is planning to stay in the community.

“Life here has been great,” he said. “It’s a great community to live and to serve. I love the people here.”

Martens’ job has been posted. Interviews with potential replacements will commence in the near future.

Vernon Morning Star