Armstrong water projects ready to flow

Armstrong water projects ready to flow

Council briefs: tax exemption granted to Okanagan Regional Library for first time

  • Sep. 21, 2016 4:00 p.m.

Two Armstrong projects in this year’s budget are in the process of being administered.

The 10-year dam safety review request for proposals has been posted and recently closed.

And investigative work and options for the repair of the North Silver Star Lake (NSSL) outlet pipe are underway.

“We did an inspection last week and there are definitely problems there,” said Mayor Chris Pieper. “We have to get it fixed before the snowfall.”

The city relies on NSSL for water supply during the summer months.

A sum of $77,000 was set aside in the budget for the projects though an additional $80,000 from water reserve funds will be made available if needed.

Council authorized staff to obtain quotes in place of issuing a tender for the outlet pipe repair project.

Tax exemptions

Council gave three readings to four changes to its permissive tax exemptions bylaws.

For the first time, the Okanagan Regional Library on Smith Drive is to receive an extension from 2017 to 2024, and the Okanagan Central Christadelphian Ecclesia Society on Wright Street has been added to the Places of Public Worship bylaw.

A continuation of the exemption for Kindale Developmental Association for its property on Patterson Avenue will run from 2017 to 2024.

And an extension for the Royal Canadian Legion to include both Class 8 (non-profit) and Class 6 (business) assessments for Pleasant Valley Boulevard for the years 2017 to 2024.

Council is expected to approve the exemptions at its next regular meeting Oct. 11.


Vernon Morning Star