John White is the new editor for the Castlegar News, Rossland News, Arrow Lakes News and West Kootenay Advertiser.

John White is the new editor for the Castlegar News, Rossland News, Arrow Lakes News and West Kootenay Advertiser.

Arrow Lakes News welcomes new editor

John White is the new editor for the Castlegar News, Rossland News, Arrow Lakes News and West Kootenay Advertiser.

Black Press is pleased to welcome a new editor to the West Kootenays. John White has taken charge of the editorial teams at the Castlegar News, Rossland News, Arrow Lakes News and West Kootenay Advertiser.

White comes to the job with a wealth of experience in everything from small town community newspapers, the city news desk of a major daily paper to digital editing and everything in between.

White and his wife are relocating from Edmonton where he previously worked as the digital editor at the Edmonton Journal.

White graduated from the creative communications program at Red River College in 1992. He started his career with Bowes Publications working as a sports editor and music editor in Kenora, Ont.

This was followed by a stint as an editor in Edson, Alta. where White worked on all aspects of producing a community paper… not just editing but becoming proficient in the dark room, photography, weekend coverage, page layout and learning how to build web pages.

Still working with Bowes Publications, White then moved on to a paper in Leduc, Alta. followed by a return to Kenora as managing editor. He then took a position with the Calgary Sun as a copy editor before heading to Winnipeg where he spent five years moving up from autos editor to assistant managing editor. “Working the city desk at a major daily is one of the most intense jobs you can do,” said White of the managing editor position.

White then spent some time working in communications before starting his own media company. In 2007 he launched Canada’s first online-only newspaper. It was an idea just a little bit ahead of its time, and even though the readership was there, the money wasn’t. This effort got him noticed by the Winnipeg Free Press who offered him a job as their digital editor which he enjoyed for the next five years.

White is looking forward to moving back into community newspaper work. “I have always said to anyone who would listen that Edson was my favourite job in journalism, in spite the fact that it was a pretty small centre and somewhat isolated,” explained White.

“The community level newspaper has always been critical, but now more than ever with what is going on in the world with journalism,” added White. “I got my best pay-back working at the community level because you can see instant results. Stories you publish would actually affect policy at the civic level.”

He has plans for a strong focus on journalism and getting into the community and doing the stories that matter as well as improving the digital side of the papers.

White is also looking forward to experiencing the lifestyle perks the area has to offer. “Everyone raved about the area,” he said. “I am at the age now where I am more intimately aware of lifestyle and work-life balance. It is kind of setting the table for where we want to be.

White is a former competitive curler and self-described Rock Band fanatic. He plays guitar and drums and sings. Expect him to be seeking out some new musical friends in the near future. He is also an avid coffee lover, and the Castlegar newsroom is quite pleased that along with the typical office supplies, he has brought along a fabulous espresso machine.

If you would like to meet John White, drop by the Castlegar News office for a cup of his famous coffee or send an email to


Arrow Lakes News