Art Erasmus from Terrace returned as school board chair

Coast Mountains School District covers large part of northwestern BC

Coast Mountain School District chair Art Erasmus will continue on in that position as voted by his fellow trustees at the Dec. 19 school board meeting.

A former teacher and principal, this is Erasmus’ second year as board chair, and seventh on the board.

And the other board positions are, for the most part, the same as last year. Terrace trustee Roger Leclerc will stay on as vice-chair.

A motion to consider a rotating vice-chair was put forward by Kitimat trustee Linda Campbell, but defeated.

The BC School Trustee Association’s provincial councillor will again be Raymond Raj, with Kitimat trustee Linda Campbell serving as the alternate.

She replaces Thornhill trustee Gary Turner who was the alternate last year. Turner declined the nomination.Erasmus will also continue in his position as the BC Public School Employers’ association delegate, with Stewart trustee Shannon McFee continuing to serve as the alternate.


Terrace Standard