Kimberley Arts Council applies for grant to help cover cost of washroom upgrades.

Kimberley Arts Council applies for grant to help cover cost of washroom upgrades.

Arts Council applies for grant to help pay for Centre 64 washroom upgrades

City Council authorized the Kimberley Arts Council to apply for a grant from the British Columbia Arts Council - Arts Infrastructure Program to fund 90 per cent of the estimated $75,000 cost to renovate the centre's washroom facilities.

  • Oct. 16, 2020 12:00 a.m.

City Council authorized the Kimberley Arts Council to apply for a grant from the British Columbia Arts Council – Arts Infrastructure Program to fund 90 per cent of the estimated $75,000 cost to renovate the centre’s washroom facilities.

Centre 64 is owned by the City and operated under agreement by the Kimberley Arts Council. They asked Council to authorize them to apply for this grant which would amount to $67,500 to upgrade the current main floor washroom to make it gender-neutral and wheelchair accessible.

They would also upgrade the other three washrooms in the building located on the second and third floors of the building. The Kimberley Arts Council would be responsible for covering the remaining 10 per cent, or $7,500 of the renovation costs.

In addition to becoming gender neutral and wheelchair accessible, the main floor’s washroom would also get a separate entrance door. This will require a total demolition of the current ladies’ washroom, currently comprised of four stalls and two sinks.

The other three washrooms on the second and third floors would become gender neutral as well, with urinals removed from the men’s washroom.

The toilets, sinks and faucets would be replaced in each washroom, making the facilities touchless.

Some of the older and heavier doors will be replaced with lighter ones and a button will be installed to open the wheelchair accessible washroom’s door.

Remaining funds would be used to upgrade the single-stall bathroom located in the green room on the third floor.

“Centre 64 is one of the most visited public buildings in our community. Renovating washroom facilities to make them accessible for all will be an extremely positive upgrade to the facility and for the community.”

READ MORE: City to apply for grant that would cover 90 per cent of Centre 64 roof repairs

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