Letters are to be dropped off to the Arts Station prior to Dec. 13. (Soranne Floarea/ The Free Press)

Arts Station sends love and holiday cards to Seniors

The Arts Station encourages locals to send Cards to Seniors and Letters to Santa this holiday season

  • Dec. 7, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Fernie Arts Station is spreading holiday cheer with a Cards to Seniors initiative, encouraging locals to colour and write cards for distribution to seniors in need of a pick-me-up this winter season.

“We obviously know this holiday season we are not going to be able to be with each other as much as we have in the past, and we wanted to make sure that people didn’t feel alone over the holiday period,” said Louise Ferguson, executive director of the Arts Station.

“We are going to try and get the cards to those that perhaps aren’t going to get to see as many people this year because of what is happening.”

According to Ferguson, the Arts Station is working with the Fernie Senior Citizens Centre and local seniors homes to have the cards distributed to residents that are going to appreciate them most.

“Anyone can participate, we’ve got a long list of seniors that we can send the cards to, so the more people that participate the more seniors that will receive one.”

Replacing Santa’s annual visit to the Arts Station, the Cards to Seniors initiative is kicking off alongside a Letters to Santa event, where kids are encouraged to write letters that will be delivered to Santa and subsequently responded to this upcoming Christmas.

“We want people to have some fun, obviously this year has been challenging…but we’re still trying to make sure everyone engaged in the community and (give them) things to do even if it’s not quite the same as other years,” added Ferguson.

Card templates for either initiative can be found on the Arts Station website to print off at home, or can be picked up inside the station itself. Participants looking to get more creative are encouraged to design their own cards.

Completed letters are to be dropped off at the Arts Station prior to Dec. 13 for distribution to both Santa and seniors. Those sending a letter to Santa are reminded to include their postal address.

For more information on the Arts Station’s initiatives, visit their website at theartsstation.com.

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