Salmon Arm council requests that residents get vaccinated against COVID-19 for a number of reasons, including being a way to protect children as the number of new weekly cases climbs in the Salmon Arm health area. (File photo)

As COVID numbers rise, Salmon Arm council implores residents to get vaccinated

Elected officials provide a variety of reasons for citizens to opt for the vaccine

  • Aug. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Salmon Arm mayor and council took to video to implore citizens to get their COVID-19 vaccinations.

Council members took turns in front of the camera to provide their rationale for urging vaccination.

They listed several reasons, including the need to protect health-care workers, protecting children 12-and-under who can’t get vaccinated, the high cost of getting the virus and the need to build community immunity.

Mayor Alan Harrison then warned of the rising weekly cases of COVID-19 in Salmon Arm’s local health area.

From Aug. 15 to 21, 79 new cases were reported in the area, the highest weekly rate in the previous 16 months.

From Aug. 8 to 14, the number of new cases was 48. From Aug. 1 to 7, that number was 24. Back in May and June the number of new weekly cases was down to one or two cases per week.

Harrison wrapped up the video by saying council’s message to those people who are double vaccinated is ‘thank you for making that choice.’

For those who aren’t: “We implore you, if you haven’t had the opportunity, it’s easy. Twenty minutes, walk in and you can get your vaccine.”

In an earlier interview, Harrison expressed his support for the COVID-19 passport plan.

He said the city’s restaurants, pubs and theatres cannot withstand another complete shutdown.

“The city will do its part by following the order requiring patrons to be vaccinated at gyms, pools and recreation facilities,” he wrote in an email.

“I am concerned and worried that if vaccination rates in the IH region do not increase, the positive COVID numbers are going to continue to trend upwards. I worry especially for our youth, up to age 12, who cannot be vaccinated.”

He said although many Salmon Arm residents have been vaccinated, further COVID outbreaks and corresponding orders would be difficult for everyone, particularly following a horrific wildfire summer.

“Vaccination is the way through this pandemic,” he concluded, encouraging those who are hesitant, to research reliable, science-based sources such as the BC Centre for Disease Control.

Read more: Canadian business community largely supportive of vaccine passport system

Read more: Are we going to need vaccine passports to do fun things?

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