COVID-19 numbers in Revelstoke continue to drop as innoculations rise. (Liam Harrap - Revelstoke Review)

As Revelstoke vaccinates, local COVID-19 numbers drop

Data from April 11 to 17

  • Apr. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

New COVID-19 cases in Revelstoke continue to drop.

Between April 11 to 17, there were 11 new cases of the virus in our region, according to the BC Centre of Disease Control.

The week prior there was 21 cases.

As Revelstoke has had one of the highest rates for the virus in the province, residents have been able to cut the line. All adults above the age of 18 can get a vaccine.

As of April 18, almost 4,800 people in the community have gotten their first dose, which is approximately 45 per cent of Revelstoke’s population according to BCStats. Approximately 0.5 per cent of residents have received their second dose.

To make an appointment for an inoculation, call 1-833-838-2323. It operates seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Interior Health said local vaccination days are expected in Revelstoke daily until the end of the month. There is no end date for vaccination, Interior Health said it will monitor needs and uptake in Revelstoke on an ongoing basis.

The types of vaccines in Revelstoke include Pfizer and Moderna. Interior Health said the AstraZeneca vaccine is not being offered in our community at this time.

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B.C.’s COVID-19 numbers stayed steady Wednesday (April 21), with 862 new cases, of which 54 are in the Interior Health region.

Hospitalizations continued to rise, with a record of 483 people in hospital, up from 456 Tuesday, and 164 people in intensive care, up from 148 on Tuesday.

Revelstoke Review