A snow plow in Terrace on Jan. 10, 2019. (Brittany Gervais/Terrace Standard)

As winter approaches, here’s what you need to know about snow removal in Terrace

Street parking is prohibited November 15 to April 1

  • Nov. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Winter is coming.

Terrace has already seen some flurries and snow on the ground, with much more on the way throughout the winter.

Starting November 15, parking on the street is prohibited in Terrace, and vehicles that impede snow removal or road maintenance work can be towed.

That is because under the City’s Street and Traffic Bylaw No. 1313-1993, every street, boulevard, alley and highway in Terrace is designated as a snow removal route and plowing can take place at any time during the day or night.

Also, snowmobiles are banned on streets as per the bylaw.

The need for snow plowing is determined by Henry Craveiro, road foreman, who takes into account the amount and type of snow, slippery conditions, the forecast and cost to plow.

Hills, like Kalum, Lanfear, Park and Birch are the highest priority for plowing, followed by hospital and school zones. Next in decreasing priority is the downtown core, arterial streets, residential streets, cul-de-sacs and alleys.

Sidewalks are plowed as personnel and equipment are made available.

The City of Terrace has a snow removal program for people who are physically challenged or are seniors. To qualify, applicants must own and occupy the property, be at least 65-years-old or be “permanently disabled in such a way to restrict physical mobility.” Applicants must also not have an able bodied person under 65 years of age living on the property.

Successful applicants to the Snow Removal Financial Assistance Program are eligible to receive a rebate of 50% to a maximum of $250 for costs incurred by hiring a private snow removal service.

READ MORE: Tax increase to cover extra snow removal, new staffing costs

Terrace Standard