Ashcroft amends policy for Canada Day grant

Ashcroft Council makes Canada Day organizers exempt from usual grant-in-aid policy requirements.

Ashcroft Council approved of an additional paragraph to their Grant-in-Aid Policy that singles out any local group or organization running the annual Canada Day celebrations for more funding.

“I think it’s a great idea to offer this to anyone who wants to host the Canada Day celebration,” said Coun. Alf Trill at the Apr. 27 meeting. “They are acting on our behalf.”

The issue was brought forward recently by the Winding Rivers Arts & Performance Society (WRAPS) which has been organizing the celebration for the past three years. The group applied for the $500 grant for the event and indicated that it would be applying for another grant later in the year to help with its production of My Fair Lady. However, the Village’s policy limits groups to one $500 grant application per year.

Village Administrator Michelle Allen said she discussed the addition with three members of WRAPS and they felt it would meet their requirement. And it wouldn’t have to be changed if another group took over Canada Day.

The celebration was initiated by Ashcroft Council in 2008 and was funded entirely by the Village with assistance from a federal grant.

The Village asked for a local community group to take over the celebration and WRAPS stepped forward.

The new addition to the Grants-In-Aid Policy states:

Any local group or organization who wishes to manage the organization of Canada Day events may apply for an unconditional grant of $500. Applications … must include a program of events and a proposed budget. Groups or organizations who receive the Canada Day funding are still eligible to apply for a grant-in-aid under other grant policies. Only one Canada Day grant is available each year.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal