Ashcroft Council Briefs

From Apr. 11

From the Ashcroft Council meeting of Apr. 11.

Roll Call: Mayor Andy Anderson and councillors Alice Durksen, Helen Kormendy and Colin Williams. Missing: Coun. Jerry Fiddick.

Hat Creek Ranch

Council pondered a request by the Friends of Historic Hat Creek Ranch Society to appoint a council member to their board of directors. In the end they decided to ask a representative of the Society to come and answer their questions.

Mayor Andy Anderson wondered if a councillor appointed to another board would be in conflict, asking which group’s priority would come first.

Administrator Michelle Allen said she understood the Society’s request is based on how Barkerville’s board of directors is structured, with directors from the municipal councils of Quesnel and surrounding towns.

But she couldn’t answer the Mayor’s question. It’s one thing to ask for a liaison, she said, but it’s another if you’re a full fledged board member with voting privileges.

Coun. Helen Kormendy wanted someone to explain to her what the Society did “because I don’t know what they do. If they want us to participate,” she said, “they need to give us some information.”

Skip’s Run

The Ashcroft & District Lions Club advised Council that they were planning a 5 km charity run in memory of former member “Skip” Stuart, who passed away last year.

The run is being held Sat., June 4 at 10 am. Participants begin in Heritage Place Park and head down Railway Ave. to Evans Rd., which runs parallel to the river.

Administrator Allen told Council that she asked the Lions to put signs up at entrances to town indicating that there was a run taking place. They also need flaggers to help participants cross the highway between Railway and Evans.

Coun. Colin Williams suggested notifying the Tie plant and Ashcroft Terminal in case there is truck traffic that day on Evans Rd.

June 4 is also the annual HOG Run weekend.

New Fire Truck

Administrator Allen advised Council that they need to plan for a new fire truck next year.

She said #1 engine turns 20 next year, an age at which reliability comes into question in the eyes of home insurers.

She said she has asked Fire Chief Brian Henderson to provide her with specs for a new truck, and also what he would like his fleet to look like.

The Village currently has two fire trucks, the Rescue truck and a TNRD truck to use outside Village boundaries within a 5 km radius.

She said Henderson has been invited to visit a factory back east to look at how the trucks are made, at the manufacturer’s expense.

“We still have lots of time to look at it and review it before budget time in November,” she said.

Next Meeting

Apr. 26 at 7 pm.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal