Ashcroft RCMP detachment police report

Troublesome hotel guests, a hungry thief, and the perils of travelling too close to the car in front.

  • Jul. 15, 2014 7:00 a.m.

Right Idea, Wrong Place

On July 8 at 9:00 am, police received a report of an abandoned Chevy pickup truck on Hwy. 97C south of Highland Valley mine. The complainant said that the pickup had been there for more than 11 hours with the lights on and the engine running. While on the way to the scene, police received a call from another motorist, who said that there was a man sleeping inside the car and they could not wake him up. Police were able to rouse him, and the driver said that it had been a long day of driving so he had pulled off the road to sleep.

No place for penmanship

On July 8 at 9:00 pm, police received a complaint from a Cache Creek male who said that someone had been writing on the outer wall of his house with a pen. The complainant had not seen the person doing it, but thought he knew who it was, and asked police to speak with this person, a Cache Creek female who lived nearby. The woman denied being responsible for the writing, and told police that the complainant was just trying to get her into trouble. She was warned to stay away from the complainant’s house, to which she agreed.

Hotel etiquette: pay the rent

On July 9 at 7:15 pm a male who was staying at the Ashcroft Hotel and Apartments called police to say that someone was knocking on his door and then running away. He also said that his car had been blocked while in the hotel’s parking lot, and that the power had been cut off to his room. The complainant told police that he believed the culprit was either the building manager (because the complainant had not paid his rent), or the complainant’s ex-girlfriend’s crazy boyfriend. The complainant was refusing to leave his room because he said that a “crazy person” was out to get him. Police convinced him to open his door, whereupon the complainant found a note on his window from the landlord, asking him to pay his rent.

First world problem

On July 9 at 7:20 pm—while attending the above incident—police received a call from a female who had rented a room at the Tumbleweed Motel in Cache Creek. She said that the sign promised Wi-Fi in the rooms, but that there was no Wi-Fi in the room she had checked into. She went to the lobby and asked the manager for a refund, but he refused, and asked her to get out of the office. The complainant said she called police because the manager scared her. Police did not attend.

Troubled guest

On July 10 at 1:30 am police were called by the person working the front desk at the Oasis Hotel, who had received a call from an unknown person asking them to check on a guest staying at the hotel. The unidentified caller said that they were receiving incoherent text messages from the guest. When the clerk knocked on the guest’s door, the female inside yelled that she was going to kill herself. Police and Emergency Services attended and found the female grossly intoxicated, with slurred speech and trouble walking. She said she wanted to see a doctor because she had mental health issues, and denied she wanted to kill herself. She was very rude, and when she got in the ambulance she refused to go anywhere, saying that as she was a Canadian citizen she did not have to see a doctor. Police agreed, and arrested her for breach of the peace. She was kept in the cells overnight, and released without charges in the morning when she was sober.

Don’t drink and drive

On July 10 at 9:30 pm, police stopped a white GMC Sierra on Western Ave. in Ashcroft after witnessing the driver pull on to the road at a high rate of speed which caused the vehicle to fishtail. Police spoke with the male driver, who was from Kamloops, and noticed a slight smell of alcohol in the vehicle and on the driver. A roadside breath test was administered, which the man failed. He was issued with a 90 day driving suspension and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

Not licensed? Not driving

On July 11 at 9:20 pm, a police officer patrolling in Cache Creek observed a familiar green pickup truck being driven east on Hwy. 1. Police believed it was being driven by an unlicensed Ashcroft male, so the vehicle was stopped on Stage Rd. A check indicated that the driver did not, in fact, have a license. The driver was issued with an indefinite driving prohibition and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.

False alarm

On July 13 at 1:00 am, a police officer getting gas at the Husky station in Cache Creek heard what he believed was an alarm going off on Collins Rd. While on his way to the scene, police received a call from Chubb Security reporting an alarm going off on Collins Rd. When police arrived on the scene there was no sign of forced entry and nothing suspicious. A neighbour was questioned and reported that she had not heard or seen anything. A false alarm is suspected.

Taken with(out?) consent

On July 13 at 12:00 pm, a Cache Creek female phoned to report that her daughter’s van was taken by a Cache Creek male without the daughter’s consent. The daughter had left Cache Creek on July 10, and the man had got her vehicle keys and moved the van. The daughter said he did not have her permission to move it, but the male told police that he did, and that he had moved it from the Oasis parking lot because she owed rent and did not want the hotel’s owner to seize her vehicle. The daughter was told the new location of her van.

Hungry thief?

On July 13 at 12:40 pm, police received a call from a male who reported a theft from his vehicle while he was at the Dairy Queen in Cache Creek the previous day. He was travelling from Vancouver to Prince George with a load of food supplies in the box of his truck, and had stopped only once, at the Dairy Queen in Cache Creek, where he was away from his vehicle for 10 minutes. At his next stop, in 100 Mile, he noticed that a few things were missing from his truck, including a box of cooking oil and two cases of rice. The driver put the value of the goods at $750. There are no suspects.

Keep your distance

On July 13 at 8:15 pm, police received a call from a female who said that while driving her 2012 Dodge Wrangler she had rear-ended a truck towing a boat on Hwy. 1 near the Chevron in Cache Creek, as both vehicles were slowing to turn into the gas station. There was minimal damage to the boat, but the trailer hitch was damaged, and the car was leaking fluid and had to be towed from the scene. The female driver was given a ticket for following too close. The Cache Creek Fire Department attended and cleaned up the leaked fluid.

Barbara Roden

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal

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