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Asphalt plant public meeting to take place at Mission city hall

Precautions will be taken to ensure social distancing at June 8 meeting

A public information meeting regarding a temporary-use permit to allow an asphalt plant in the Steelhead area has been scheduled for June 8 at 6 p.m. at Mission City Hall.

District staff will reconfigure the space in council chambers to allow the meeting to take place, while still enforcing social-distancing procedures.

The asphalt plant has been a controversial issue, with residents of Steelhead holding protests against the proposal each time it comes before council.

READ: Asphalt plant protest

The original request, in December 2019, was a rezoning application for the properties located at 11546 and 11596 Dewdney Trunk Road from the Industrial Resource Extraction Zone to the Industrial Resource Extraction and Processing Zone to allow a mobile asphalt plant.

After the negative public response, applicant Tyler Dean, on behalf of the property owner, eventually withdrew the request in March 2020 in favour of applying for a temporary-use permit (TUP).

MORE: Opposition voiced at public hearing

The TUP application was scheduled to be introduced to council on March 16, 2020 but the meeting was cancelled due to restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The district then received a letter to council, dated April 16, 2020, from Dean, who made four requests:

1. that mayor and council visit the property;

2. that the TUP application follow the standard 10-metre notification radius for such permits;

3. that no public information session is required as the applicant believes that adequate public engagement has already taken place; and

4. that issuance of the TUP be considered at the same meeting the permit is introduced.

Mission Mayor Pam Alexis immediately eliminated the fourth request, noting that it was not possible because notification is required before issuing a TUP. She then turned council’s attention to the first three requests.

While council indicated they would be willing to visit the property, and hopefully another working asphalt plant, they did not agree with the other requests.

AND: Rezoning request withdrawn

As a result, the TUP application notification radius will be 1,500 metres and a public information meeting will be held.

The information meeting will only allow five members of the public to be inside at a time to provide input, with another five lined up in the foyer, standing six feet apart.

The remainder of the public will have to line up outside to wait their turn.

The public will not be able to sit.

A video screen will be set up in the lobby so the public can see and hear what is going on inside.

Mission City Record