Instructor Craig Gerrard, from Raven Rescue, reviews training with LCFD firefighters  at Lakeview Park Nov. 16 Firefighters receiving water rescue training are: Doug Knott, Bill Robertson, Bill Hieta, Steve Johnson, Ray Bourassa, Tyler Knott, Brad Kohanuk, Tom Denninger, Cory Robertson, and Taylor Poirier.

Instructor Craig Gerrard, from Raven Rescue, reviews training with LCFD firefighters at Lakeview Park Nov. 16 Firefighters receiving water rescue training are: Doug Knott, Bill Robertson, Bill Hieta, Steve Johnson, Ray Bourassa, Tyler Knott, Brad Kohanuk, Tom Denninger, Cory Robertson, and Taylor Poirier.

At long last firefighters receive new boat and trailer

Thanks to anonymous donors and fundraising, the Lake Cowichan Fire Department has purchased a rescue boat earlier than expected

Lake Cowichan Fire Department (LCFD)has acquired a new rescue boat, something the firefighters have described as a necessity.

The fire department has been fundraising for over a year and a half and has just had the new boat delivered, equipped with a trailer and all.

“It’s a huge thing; we’ve gone a long time without one,” said fire chief Doug Knott. “We never expected it to come this fast.”

Knott’s relief comes after a heartfelt cash injection from anonymous sources, but the fire chief admits “has a fair idea of who it’s from.”

LCFD recently received two cash donations of $5,000 and $25,000 that, combined with the funds raised already, allowed the crew to go ahead and purchase the new boat.

Knott believes the boat is a must-have in this day and age.

“We started our donation plan last June but we never expected the funding to arrive this fast,” he said. “We’ve had several incidents dating back to the spring of 2012 where we got serious calls about incidents that included drowning. It took us to the edge of our training and ability.”

Seemingly, the new boat and everything that goes with it will take a huge weight off firefighters’ shoulders come water-related incidents.

“The boat is fully equipped for firefighting and rescue,” said Knott, who confirmed the vessel is indeed “brand new.”

Prior to the new boat’s arrival, amidst the fundraising process, Knott and company were appealing for a separate donation of a trailer to coincide with the boat once it arrived.

“That was just being used as a way of something being donated, but the new boat has a brand new trailer with it as well.”


Lake Cowichan Gazette