Kate Pinsonneault, NIECDS Executive Director, receives a cheque and mug from Frank MacLean, president of the Port Hardy Rotary Club.

Kate Pinsonneault, NIECDS Executive Director, receives a cheque and mug from Frank MacLean, president of the Port Hardy Rotary Club.

Attachment focus of workshop

Working with troubled children can be a big challenge

Working with troubled children can be a big challenge, even for the most experienced teacher, childcare provider, foster parent, counsellor, and grandparent.

In small North Island communities, there are few resources to turn to get training and support.

So the North Island Early Child Development Society has been organizing workshops with one of the world’s foremost experts on children.

Kim Barthel is a neuroscientist, an occupational therapist, author and world-renowned teacher and presenter.

This will be Barthel’s sixth year coming to Port Hardy to provide an engaging two-day workshop for people who care for children.

This year Barthel will be focussing on ‘Secondary Attachment’ and the workshop is geared towards those who care for children when their parents are experiencing problems that prevent them from giving the level and quality of care a child needs.

This bond is healing and can actually change the child’s brain, allowing them to be more settled and secure.

Barthel will offer the latest research on the importance of this relationship and how we all can nurture children in need.

Barthel’s workshop, which will be held on May 15 and 16 at North Island College, has been made possible by the generous support of several North Island organizations and businesses: the Royal Bank of Canada Foundation, Orca Sand and Gravel, Keltic Seafoods, and the Port Hardy Rotary Club.

Last year’s event was attended by 80 people from all over British Columbia. Organizers are expecting over 100 this year.

For more information on the Secondary Attachment Workshop, please contact Kate at 250-230-7424 or Sandra at 250-949-3031 or e-mail niecds@telus.nep


North Island Gazette