Eileen Malchow (left) with Ardelle Thake and 93-year-old May Reid enjoy strawberry shortcake at Autumn Services on Tuesday, June 15. The day not only marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day but the reopening of Autumn Services that had been closed for the past seven months due to COVID-19. (Elaine Storey photo)

Autumn Services reopens by helping mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Fraser Lake

Strawberry shortcake and flowers provided

  • Jun. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Autumn Services in Fraser Lake reopened to the public on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15.

Flowers and strawberry shortcake was made available until the early afternoon at the community centre providing supports, education and more for all ages.

“There’s a lot of reasons why we have to recognize this,” executive director Elaine Storey said of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

“It’s a bit of a travesty when you consider that the vulnerable population of seniors is growing the way that it is, and in many ways, they don’t have a big voice,” Storey said.

“I think that happens within the family context often and even within I would say all aspects of society—the aging population is not really favoured.”

Storey said as technology races forward, a lot of consideration is not given to aging adults who do not want to learn a new program necessarily, but simply be able to type a few messages to share with their friends on Facebook or open up pictures from their grandchildren.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has kept many older adults from enjoying everyday activities and venturing beyond their homes, leading to an increased risk of social isolation.

“World Elder Abuse and Awareness Day, I think really is an opportunity to say yes, let’s help some of our aging adults with some of these tech problems, and we’ve seen a lot of that in many of the meetings that I’ve had within this last year,” Storey added.

For the past seven months, Autumn Services offered services via appointment only and provided support to aging adults in setting up an online account with the Canada Revenue Agency.

When they reopened their doors to the public, Tuesday morning, Storey was planning on calling individuals who would regularly drop in before the pandemic to advise them of the celebration and their reopening.

Further in-person events such as a sit-and-go bingo fundraiser with prizes of cinnamon buns likely won’t resume until mid-July when staff have received their second COVID-19 vaccine.

Autumn Services will resume serving a soup and bun lunch by donation at the centre Wednesday, June 16, after previously delivering it for the past seven months free of charge.

They can also be found offering up food Friday afternoons at the Fraser Lake Community Market.

Do you have a comment about this story? email: rebecca.dyok@wltribune.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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