Auxiliary donates $6,000 to Golden and District Hospital

Money raised to help hospital

The Hospital Auxiliary presented the Golden and District General Hospital with $6,000 last week to go towards the portable ultrasound machine. The group also recently gave out a bursary at the high school.  Pictured l-r are Barb Dianocky, Anna Mackay, Auxiliary President Lynne Auer, Site Manager Mary Lessing-Turner, Dr. Bob Wilson and LPN Karen Rowland.

The Hospital Auxiliary presented the Golden and District General Hospital with $6,000 last week to go towards the portable ultrasound machine. The group also recently gave out a bursary at the high school. Pictured l-r are Barb Dianocky, Anna Mackay, Auxiliary President Lynne Auer, Site Manager Mary Lessing-Turner, Dr. Bob Wilson and LPN Karen Rowland.

Golden’s Hospital Auxiliary presented the Golden and District General Hospital with $6,000.

The money, which will go towards the portable ultra sound, is not the only money this volunteer group has raised for locals.

Wheelchairs, a hydraulic emergency stretcher, infusion pumps, defibulators, air purifier filter systems and many more necessities would not have been made possible without the organization.

In the past 80 years, over $300,000 has been raised by the volunteers who get their funds by catering around town. Many of the ladies in Hospital Auxiliary knit baby clothing and blankets as well, all of which can be found and purchased at their gift shop in the hospital.

The Hospital Auxiliary raises funds that go directly to the Golden and District General Hospital.  Recently in an Interview in Invermere, President and CEO of Interior Health, Robert Halpenny spoke of how important groups like Hospital Auxiliaries are to Interior Health.

“I certainly recognize how much they do for the hospitals. The auxiliaries and gift shops through the health authorities are phenomenally valuable to us,” he said

Some times, small town hospitals do not receive proper funding for new systems and utilities and without the Hospital Auxiliary, Golden would have a much harder time staying up to date.

Unfortunately, volunteer numbers are dwindling. Without more volunteers, the organization will be forced to close operations in Golden.

The Hospital Auxiliary accepts both men and women and would like Golden to know that volunteers are being accepted at all times.

If you would like to volunteer, call 250-344-5271 and ask for Tammy Perks.

You can also donate wool to the organization for the makings of more baby clothing.

Golden Star