AVICC lobbies for clean air, more rail

The environment and federal rail funding will be top issues for the City of Port Alberni and the regional district at the AVICC in April.

Environmental issues and funding for rail will be the issues that the City of Port Alberni and the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District will be bringing to the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities convention in Nanaimo in April.

City council will be bringing two resolutions, one to do with rail and one to do with slash burning.

The city wants the AVICC to “petition the B.C. Ministry of Environment to bring forward new regulations to further limit or ban the burning of wood debris in order to ensure communities and industry are synchronized in working towards the same goal of a safe and healthy environment for all.”

Air quality council chair Sarah Thomas agrees.

“I think it’s very good that council is stepping forward and advocating for increased regulation close to communities because it certainly is an issue,” Thomas said.

“When the smoke comes into the Valley, especially when we get air inversions and the air comes and stays and sinks into the Valley for days… that is a concern for the health of our citizens.”

Council is also proposing that the AVICC help get some federal funding for the  E&N railway corridor.

Council wants the AVICC to “petition the government of Canada to approve and release the $7.5 million for capital works on the Victoria to Courtenay rail line… and ensure the future of rail based freight and passenger service between Victoria, Courtenay and Port Alberni.”

The ACRD is using the AVICC to petition for better marina cleanup.

“Be it resolved that the UBCM and FCM support the province of British Columbia’s position with respect to the need for world-class marine oil spill prevention, preparedness and response, and lobby the federal government to support and cooperate with B.C. to the fullest extent.”

The AVICC convention takes place in Nanaimo on April 8-10.





Alberni Valley News