Awhirl in colour

About 125 belly dancers from Western Canada converged on Penticton last weekend for the three-day BC Bellyfest conference and workshops.

  • Jun. 4, 2013 8:00 p.m.
Sita McKiblin of Get Bent Arts and Recreation Centre performs on stage at Gyro Park on the weekend during the stage show portion of the three-day BC Bellyfest 2013. The event attracted some of the top dancers in Western Canada for a series of workshops and performances. About 125 participants took part.

Sita McKiblin of Get Bent Arts and Recreation Centre performs on stage at Gyro Park on the weekend during the stage show portion of the three-day BC Bellyfest 2013. The event attracted some of the top dancers in Western Canada for a series of workshops and performances. About 125 participants took part.

Penticton Western News