Menno Place. (Google Street View image.)

B.C. care home looks to hire residents’ family members amid COVID-19-related staff shortage

Family would get paid as temporary workers, while having chance to see loved ones while wearing PPE

  • Nov. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Amid a COVID-19 outbreak that has seen 10 residents and two staffers diagnosed with the virus, Menno Place is facing staffing shortages and asking families if they want to lend a hand.

In an email to families, the facility says it is facing “shortages in essential services, such as housekeeping, food services and laundry.”

Twelve people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in Menno Home E2, one of several sites at the Menno Place complex. On Sunday, the facility announced on its website that one worker at its 151-bed Menno Hospital long-term care facility had tested positive for COVID-19 four days prior. Tests for all other staff and residents had come back negative.

MAP: 32 active COVID-19 outbreaks in Fraser Health seniors’ homes

In its email and on its website, Menno Home says it is looking to hire families and close friends of residents as “temporary relief workers.” Such workers would be paid and, while wearing full personal protective equipment, also able to see loved ones living in the facility.

Because staff are isolated or restricted to working on a single unit, Menno Place said it is “desperately needing housekeeping assistance.”

On Nov. 27, an update posted online asked for thoughts for the home’s employees.

“Please pray for our staff – they are getting weary and some are anxious.”

Menno Place has also created a form for family members to fill out to thank and encourage staff at the facility.

Menno Home is one of three Abbotsford long-term care homes with active COVID-19 outbreaks.

More than 100 people had been diagnosed with the virus at Tabor Home as of last Tuesday. Sixteen people had died. There is also an outbreak at Worthington-Pavilion. Recent figures about that outbreak have not been made publicly available.

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