Mark Thompson is the candidate for the B.C. Conservative Party.—Image: contributed

Mark Thompson is the candidate for the B.C. Conservative Party.—Image: contributed

B.C. Conservative says lack of truth in politics

The byelection in Kelowna West features five candidates

To the editor:

Democracy is fragile and after two weeks of serious investigation and campaigning as a candidate in the Kelowna West byelection, I am troubled. There is a lack of truth, incompetency and there is discrimination. It is discrimination that has held back proper funding of a public health centre in West Kelowna. I would have never imagined that the BC Liberals could be so dishonest. They stole $1.2 billion dollars from ICBC to fraudulently make it appear they could balance the provincial budget. On top of this, they have allegedly turned a blind eye on money laundering through BC Casinos. This is just the tip of the iceberg defining BC Liberal dishonesty.

The NDP/Green government is already threatening the economy of BC. Their apparent threats to shut down pipelines and a huge potential LNG industry proves they don’t understand the basics of the economy or for that matter constitutional law or the spirit of our dominion. To threaten to shut down shipments of legal product sends a terrible message very non-consistent with an “Open for Business” desired image.

Business investment looks for stable government and most importantly government that demonstrates well reasoned thinking before acting.

The NDP/Greens through a knee jerk reaction are now micro managing ICBC. Putting premiums up when an MNP consulting report suggests that by adding competition to ICBC premiums would most likely fall 10 to 18 per cent. It used to be that ICBC performed the great majority of repair estimates. Now the very auto body shops that repair the vehicles put forth the great majority of estimates. What we need is an independent comprehensive audit including an actuarial report. Then and only then can we implement appropriate change.

What is terrifying to me is that these are just small items in the big picture. If we can find this much incompetency in just a couple of items, imagine how much incompetency is contained in a $50 billion plus provincial budget. Nothing gives me hope that the NDP/Greens or the BC Liberals can do a responsible honest job of running the government of BC.

That is why I support the BC Conservatives. I know that I am an underdog in this byelection. The incompetency of the status quo is frightening. I urge you to recognize that more of the same expecting a different result is insanity. I ask for the vote of the Kelowna West residents. It will start the change toward honesty and competency in government.

Mark Thompson, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News