First responders at a hit-and-run accident along Dallas Rd. Where a bike frame was dragged for several blocks after a van hit a pedal bike. (Arnold Lim/Black Press)

First responders at a hit-and-run accident along Dallas Rd. Where a bike frame was dragged for several blocks after a van hit a pedal bike. (Arnold Lim/Black Press)

B.C. cyclist’s bike dragged several blocks after hit and run

Cyclist's bike dragged underneath van after driver suffers 'medical crisis'

  • Apr. 27, 2018 12:00 a.m.

An eye witness described the scene as “scary” after seeing a bike dragging underneath a moving van along Victoria’s waterfront.

Cyclist Holly Peterson saw a white van drag the wheel-less pedal bike underneath it before being boxed in by two other vehicles, but not before leaving the wheels of the bike behind it.

Police confirmed there had been a hit and run near Bushby St. when the driver of the van suffered a medical crisis. The driver then continued another six blocks until he was eventually stopped near Cook St.

“Two cars had like boxed him in so he couldn’t get away and there were wheels several metres behind him kinda dragging on the road,” Peterson said. “And we thought the bike had fallen off the rack of a neighbouring car. But what had happened was someone got hit over here and there was a hit and run and he managed to get all the way to Beacon Hill Park.”

Both the driver of the van and the injured cyclist were both taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, where they remained Friday morning.

“We saw a bike frame just being dragged underneath the van and it was really scary…we went by four bends of the road and found out that he had been hit way back here,” Peterson said. “It was insane it was like a kilometre at least.”

Abbotsford News