You should prepare if you're going to represent yourself in traffic court. (submitted)

You should prepare if you're going to represent yourself in traffic court. (submitted)

B.C. man brings dog to court as ‘best witness’

Man is defending himself on charges of uttering threats, possessing weapon for dangerous purposes

  • Feb. 17, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A man brought his dog to court in Princeton on Thursday, claiming his pet is “the best witness” in his case.

Ronald Edmond Stevens plans to defend himself against charges of uttering threats and possessing a weapon for dangerous purposes in relation to an incident last March.

“I can’t afford a lawyer,” said Stevens, in his early 60s. “I don’t need a lawyer. I can say my piece and he can say his. This court case is all about that little dog right there.”

Judge Michelle Daneliuk advised Stevens he will have the opportunity to present evidence at his trial.

Someone apparently had threatened the man’s dog, and he allegedly threatened back.

“Apparently I can utter a death threat against you, but you can’t against my dog,” the man said.

A date will be set for trial next week.

Abbotsford News