Photo courtesy BC COS.

Photo courtesy BC COS.

B.C. man fined $10K, faces 15-year hunting ban for killing grizzly bear

The B.C. government banned grizzly bear hunting in 2017

A man is facing a $10,000 fine and a 15-year hunting ban after being sentenced in Fernie provincial court for killing a grizzly bear near Elkford.

On April 22, Guofeng Li was found guilty on a charge of killing wildlife out of season, while three other counts were stayed, following a one-day trial, according to court records.

In addition to the fine and hunting ban, Li’s rifle was also forfeited, according to the B.C. Conservation Officers Service (COS).

In the spring of 2020, authorities began an investigation based on a public tip about the use of bait to hunt bears — which is illegal — in the Elkford area.

The COS said a year-long investigation ended in June 2021, when Li was apprehended by officers after shooting a decoy black bear at the site where the bait had been placed.

Law enforcement determined Li had shot and killed a grizzly bear at the bait site and harvested parts from the bear. Evidence collected from the investigation included information gathered from search warrants executed on his truck and cell phone.

The B.C. government banned grizzly bear hunting in 2017.

The COS says much of the fine will go towards the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation to improve wildlife habitat in the Elk Valley.