A nurse in Nanaimo served a voluntary one-week suspension for falsifying vaccine records and supplying edible cannabis products to a senior, outside the senior’s health plan. (Photo from Wikimedia Commons).

A nurse in Nanaimo served a voluntary one-week suspension for falsifying vaccine records and supplying edible cannabis products to a senior, outside the senior’s health plan. (Photo from Wikimedia Commons).

B.C. nurse suspended for faking COVID vaccine records, giving cannabis edible to senior

Jeremiah Isaksen serves voluntary suspension in agreement with B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives

A B.C. organization regulating nurses has disciplined a nurse who gave a false representation of his vaccine status and supplied unprescribed cannabis to a senior.

In a notice, the B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives said on Sunday, Sept. 4, that an inquiry committee panel reached a consent agreement with Jeremiah Isaksen of Nanaimo in relation to incidents in 2021 and 2022 in the course of his employment as a community health nurse working with a high-risk population.

The health regulator said the nurse “requested that a coworker create false vaccination records for him and said … on social media that the COVID-19 vaccine was unnecessary, unsafe, and possibly lethal.” He is also said to have provided an elder with edible cannabis products, even though it wasn’t part of the elder’s health-care plan.

The nurse voluntarily agreed to a one-week suspension and “review informed consent and complete a course on ethics,” the notice said. He will also discuss what he has learned with a BCCNM practice consultant.

The committee said it is satisfied the measures will protect the public, the notice stated.

BCCNM’s function is to provide protections to the public by regulating licensed practical nurses, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses and midwives.

READ ALSO: 4th COVID vaccine doses to roll out in B.C.

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