Oliver Elementary was the first school in B.C. to trial the Seamless Day Kindergarten. (Google Maps)

Oliver Elementary was the first school in B.C. to trial the Seamless Day Kindergarten. (Google Maps)

B.C. pilot that turns Kindergarten classrooms into daycare spaces deemed huge success

The program integrates before- and after-school care into the kindergarten classroom

Oliver Elementary was the first school in B.C. to trial the Seamless Day Kindergarten program that integrates before-and-after school care.

On Monday, May 15, the Minister of State for Child Care was in the Oliver classroom to announce the pilot program has been a huge success and will be extended.

Seamless Day Kindergarten integrates before- and after-school care into the kindergarten classroom, delivered by certified early childhood educators (ECEs) who work alongside the classroom teacher. The program makes the best use of available school space, existing classrooms, outdoors, school gyms and libraries outside of school hours.

“We know many families continue to need child care once their children begin school,” said Grace Lore, Minister of State for Child Care who was at Oliver Elementary on Monday.

“The Seamless Day Kindergarten classroom offers child care before and after school and will make it easier for busy families to get through their workday knowing their children are learning and well cared for at school.”

Seamless Day Kindergarten began at Oliver Elementary in 2019. The province provided $3 million from 2022 to 2023, to add 20 classrooms, expanding to 45 classrooms throughout the province.

Seamless Day Kindergarten was introduced at Queen’s Park Elementary in Penticton this year.

READ MORE: Seamless Day Kindergarten at Queen’s Park

“No matter, if you live in a small town like Oliver or a big city like Vancouver, quality child care, is enormously valuable and certainly in high demand. In rural places, we’re especially aware of the need for diverse solutions to help address local needs,” said Roly Russell, MLA for Boundary-Similkameen.

“The familiarity and routine for my son are priceless in building his confidence and trust. He has flourished in school, and we could not be happier,” said parent Tracy Maplesden-McClymont.

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