The Ridge Meadows Bruins Rugby Club has released a member of their board of directors pending an investigation into their involvement in an altercation at a Harrison Campsite on Victoria Day. (Screenshot/Facebook)

B.C. rugby club removes board member after alleged campsite altercation

Anyone with information about the May 21 incident should contact Agassiz RCMP at 604-796-2211

  • May. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A Lower Mainland rugby club has released one of its board members following allegations that two members were involved in a Harrison-area campsite altercation during the Victoria Day weekend.

Ridge Meadows Bruins Rugby Club responded to multiple Facebook posts alleging that two of its members got into a confrontation, threatening to shoot guns and slash the tires of another camper who reported the incident to the Agassiz RCMP.

The alleged victim reportedly published pictures and videos of a portion of the altercation on social media. The post included the license plates of the accused aggressors’ vehicles, personal information of three alleged aggressors and allegations that the altercation was racially motivated.

RELATED: RCMP seek leads after campers allegedly threatened at Harrison campsite

The rugby club confirmed that a member of the board of directors has been removed from the board pending investigations from the RCMP and the club for their alleged involvement in the altercation.

“No other action has been taken because we are waiting to hear from the RCMP,” Ridge Meadow Bruins Rugby president Drew Allan told The Observer. “We cannot wrap up our investigation until the RCMP do, so until then, we will keep our options of action as pending that outcome.”

As of publication, the Agassiz RCMP has found no evidence of firearms or that the incident was racially motivated. Police are also investigating the social media posts related to the incident.

RCMP remind the public that while social media is important for sharing information, it can provide a platform to spread misinformation in hopes of humiliating or shaming others, which cause undue stress in the community and impact unintended victims who may be friends and family of those involved.

The Agassiz RCMP encourages the public to report any interactions such as this to the police first and to please leave the investigations to us, said UFVRD RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Mike Rail.

READ ALSO: ‘Appalling’ mess at campsite linked to South Surrey grads

In a statement posted to Facebook on Friday (May 28), the rugby club said a second member was on the scene but was not involved in the altercation. The club said they a third party and witness who attempted to deescalate the situation and who apologized for everyone’s behaviour.

“We urge you not to take action based on any information attained from social media,” a social media statement from the club concluded. “We wish to reiterate that the club would never condone such behavior as has been alleged. Our club stands by our motto of Honesty, Humility and Respect. If these young men crossed the line, they will be held accountable by the law and by the club.”

Anyone who witnessed the incident is urged to contact police at 604-796-2211.

– With files from Neil Corbett

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