A trio of orphaned otters were released back into the wild last month after almost a year in the care of the B.C. SPCA Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Metchosin. (Wild ARC photo)

A trio of orphaned otters were released back into the wild last month after almost a year in the care of the B.C. SPCA Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Metchosin. (Wild ARC photo)

B.C. SPCA Wild ARC seeking donations to replace roofs

Donations made to the roof campaign will be matched up to $10,000

  • Sep. 18, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre (Wild ARC) in Metchosin has put out the call for donations to help repair the roof of their main facility and the caretaker’s residence.

The B.C. SPCA’s facility takes in and rehabilitates more than 3,000 orphaned and injured animals each year.

Wild ARC manager Andrea Wallace said the roofs have been showing signs of wear and are at the point where they need to be replaced, especially the main building’s roof where the medical equipment is kept and all the rescue animals are assessed to see what stage they are at in their rehabilitation.

“It’s what keeps us dry in the winter and it’s the most important building in the whole Wild ARC facility,” Wallace said. “We take in animals that require constant care, we wouldn’t be able to function without this building.”

Wallace noted fall is the best time to repair the roofs because there are fewer animals in care so it is less of a disturbance.

Wild ARC has three covered buildings, the main facility, caretaker’s residence and a building strictly for racoon rehabilitation. The centre also has outdoor, open-air facilities for birds, aquatic rescues and other animals.

Donations will be matched up to $10,000 as a gift from veteran Wild ARC volunteer Birthe Levie.

To make a donation to the Wild ARC roof campaign, people can visit bit.ly/2Oz1wHn.

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