B.C. working with other North American climate leaders

Four of North America's regional leaders in the fight against climate change are reinforcing the leadership role subnational governments

Ministry of Environment

LIMA, PERU – Four of North America’s regional leaders in the fight against climate change, including British Columbia, are reinforcing the important leadership role subnational governments have in promoting climate action.

In a joint statement released Monday during the United Nations COP 20 climate change conference in Lima, Peru, B.C., California, Ontario and Quebec outlined the steps they are taking individually and collectively to address local and global greenhouse gas emissions.

“The science shows that climate change is occurring and we need to act now,” said B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak. “B.C., California, Ontario and Quebec are already undertaking climate action, and we recognize the best way forward is to work together. I hope our co-operation sets an example for other jurisdictions to follow as the nations of the world work toward achieving a comprehensive climate agreement at COP 21 in Paris in 2015.”

Polak is in Lima attending COP 20 from Dec. 6-11 to strengthen multilateral collaboration on climate and highlight B.C.’s achievements as a blueprint for policy makers looking for proven climate solutions that protect the environment while growing the economy.


Clearwater Times