Back in Time

Back in Time

Historical Perspective

  • Apr. 4, 2019 12:00 a.m.


A meeting in Clearwater voted that representatives ask their respective communities to back an air and ground mosquito campaign. The cost was put at $15,000, or $10 per family.


Clearwater Improvement District received a letter from an aviation company which would like to add Clearwater to its flight route, but the airstrip was too short for its aircraft. CID chair Bill Mattenley said no government funds were available because the air-strip was privately owned.

A letter requesting information on incorporation for Clearwater was sent from the CID to the Department of Municipal Affairs in Victoria.

Much interest was shown in Clearwater after a letter from the president of Radio NL in Kamloops regarding the establishment of an AM radio service for Clearwater.


“I am aghast at your audacity to request a thing affecting people so far away. Respectfully, I say it is none of your business,” was the reaction of TNRD Area A representative Karl Simmerling to a move by Kamloops city council members on the TNRD board to support incorporation for Clearwater.


Superintendent W. Jory and School District 26 trustees received authorization to close both Birch Island and Avola Elementary Schools effective the end of June.

Kalwant Sian received a cheque and plaque from CTP general manager Fred McLellan for being top grader in a lumber grading course.

Only the shell of Lorne and Sandy Merwin’s trailer in Blue River was left following a fire. A problem in the electrical wiring was suspected.

An ad offered the former RCMP accommodation in Blue River for sale or lease.


Local businessman Albert Lahaie was concerned about new regulations for business signs along highways. Private signs were to be removed and replaced with official ones.


Timing of an announcement about the future of Clearwater’s full-time ambulance unit chief position was still unknown. In the meantime, the B.C. Ambulance Service advertised for proposals for a four-bay ambulance station in North Kamloops and a two-bay station in Clinton.


Clearwater Improvement District planned to build a new reservoir and drill a second well during the coming year, chair Lawrence Giesbrecht announced at the CID’s annual general meeting. A sudden pump failure during hot dry weather could have created problems, he said.


The School District 73 board voted to close Dutch Lake Elementary, ignoring a request from the school’s PAC to keep it open one more year. “We weren’t very impressed, but there’s not much we can do about it,” said PAC president Theresa Braaten.

Clearwater Rotary members showed an iron lung to students at Clearwater schools as part of a campaign to eradicate polio by Rotary International.


A larger covered area for Blue River’s skating rink meant residents could spend more time skating and less time shoveling. The new covering would extend the full length of the ice sheet. It would consist of a steel frame with fabric covering. A donation of $50,000 had already been received with another $55,000 to come from the North Thompson Economic Development Committee.


CN put a gate across the Mud Lake Forest Service Road where it crossed the railroad tracks north of Blue River. A snowmobiler had stopped a train several weeks earlier after being unable to leave the tracks because of high snowbanks.

District of Clearwater was consolidating its parcel taxes into one rate. Clearwater’s water system had been developed in stages and each extension had resulted in different parcel tax rates, explained director of finance Sheila Thiessen. The borrowing to pay for the extensions was now paid off and so the rates were set to pay for long term maintenance and sustainability.


Thompson-Nicola Regional District was taking control of the remaining independent fire departments within its boundaries. Similar changes were happening with other regional districts and fire departments across the province, mostly due to liability concerns.

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