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Back in Time

Back in Time

Historical Perspective

  • May. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.


As many guests as Chamber of Commerce members turned out to the regular monthly meeting of the Central North Thompson group in Clearwater to discuss the effect on the economy and the district should an amalgamation of Birch Island District with the Kamloops District be brought about by the Department of Education.

Those present were emphatic that this would be a serious backward step, economically and socially for the district.

From the meeting came a unanimous motion that a wire be sent to the Honourable L.R. Peterson, Minister of Education and the Honourable P.A. Gaglardi, MLA for the area, registering the grave concern of the Chamber.


An accident to a Chu Chua man close to the Clearwater ballpark sent him via ambulance to the hospital in Kamloops for treatment. The Clearwater detachment of the RCMP was informed the man appeared to be seriously injured or dead.

Police said a pickup truck had been parked at the side of the road while the driver attended the ball games. When he returned he had to drive forward a few feet before backing up because there was a vehicle parked behind him.

A woman was sitting in a car parked along side and shouted that there was a man sitting on the ground in front of his vehicle, the driver was unable to hear until after he had run over the man’s leg.


The Clearwater Business Association had approached the federal solicitor-general with regard to obtaining one of the medium or maximum security prison facilities being planned in the province.

A member of the Business Association had met with Canadian Penitentiary Service officials in Vancouver who had said that the Clearwater area would be looked at for suitability as a site.


More than 130 athletes from Clearwater, Kamloops and Prince George participated in the first annual Shadowfax Track and Field Meet held at Clearwater Secondary School. Local competitors walked away with the honours in several events including high jump, discus, long jump, javelin and many of the races.

Shadowfax head coach Dan Coleman said the track meet would become an annual two-day event. He attributed the year’s successful meet to the RCMP, CSS, Raft River Store and Trophy Meats. Other contributors were the ladies who ran the concession and Lloyd Bishop, who supplied the loud speaker gear and did the announcing of the results.


Although rumors of such a project had been circulating for several months, the B.C. Ministry of Highways had confirmed the Highway 5 paving project to take place this year and the next.

Tenders were being sought for asphalt surfacing that portion of the highway between Blackpool and the Raft River bridge, as well as miscellaneous roads in the Clearwater area.


Clearwater’s 1990 May Days appeared to be a great success. Crowds to all events were good. The weatherman also cooperated, with only occasional showers. At least 20 floats, groups and other displays took part in the May Day parade.

Other events included a dance at the Sportsplex and children’s races. A variety of minor baseball and slo-pitch games and tournaments were held over the weekend. Results of the May Day parade were as follows: Commercial businesses 1st (tie) Slocan Forest Products and Ministry of Forests; 2nd (tie) B.C. Hydro, Weyerhaeuser, Ministry of Parks; 3rd (tie) Kal Tire, Raft River Outfitters. The Times, Home Hardware.

Organizations and social clubs: 1st, Clearwater Ski Club; 2nd (tie) Kami Girls and Horse Club; 3rd (tie) Stockcar Association and Clearwater Recreation Association.


A provincial Community Skills Centre (CSC) would be established in Clearwater. The surprise announcement was made by MLA Fred Jackson in conjunction with the ceremonies surrounding the announcement of provincial government’s agreement-in-principal of the Kamloops Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) at the University College of the Cariboo.

Jackson noted the CSC would be important to the transition strategy of the LRMP recommendation, as an element in the “work of retraining and helping to make the best of the jobs and opportunities we’ve got, as well as provide new job opportunities. The centre is supported by UCC, the School District, Regional District, Improvement District, and businesses there.”


A controversy about sizable pay increases quietly awarded to senior School District 73 staff should no longer be able to happen, according to school trustee Bert Walker. At a school board meeting the North Thompson trustee made a motion for a new policy that would require the school district to release the details of any contract negotiated with any employee or group of employees immediately after signing.

The information would include the cost of wages, benefits and any perks included in the deal.


“I feel very grateful and honoured that the people of the valley came through for me the way they did.” said MLA Kevin Krueger after his election win.

“We’ve been through some tough times, and I wasn’t expecting to win nearly every poll, but that’s what I did.”

The incumbent MLA credited his return to office to the work he’d done helping the people in the Kamloops-North Thompson constituency.

“All things considered, I think we’ve got a bright future,” he added, pointing to various initiatives to re-vitalize the valley’s economy, such as the valley’s economic development officer, Interact’s beam plant near Vavenby, Canfor’s sawmill, also near Vavenby, Clearwater’s multi-level hospital, and the area’s many small tourism operations.


District of Clearwater could face some significant costs to upgrade its water system, according to information presented during a meeting of the District’s infrastructure committee. There appeared to be no immediate threat, but the improvements likely would need to be made within a decade or two.

The District has essentially three sources of water, council members were told: Russell Creek, Well #1 and Well #2. All have advantages and disadvantages, but none have the adequate capacity to meet the District’s projected needs on its own.


Thompson-Nicola Regional District had received a 72-signature petition that asked for communication with the community of Vavenby regarding installation of water meters in the village’s water system.

“After experiencing several leaks in our aging water system last year, we want to know — are we using it or losing it,” the petition read.

“Spending $500,000 to install water meters is not repairing our system.”

The petition noted that five water systems within the regional district, including Vavenby, had high water usage. The petition went on to ask how many of the other four had an industrial user on their system and how old the other systems were in comparison to Vavenby’s.


Blue River’s Mike Wiegele was among the names on Thompson Rivers University (TRU) honorary doctorate list this year and would receive his degree during a convocation ceremony being held the following month.

Wiegele was receiving the designation of Doctor of Laws and would be addressing the joint convocation of the Faculty of Adventure, Culinary Arts and Tourism, as well as the Faculty of Law.

“It’s an honour to receive this recognition,” said Wiegele. “It motivates me to do more work for the industry.”

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