Discovery Passage Aquarium volunteers Steve Auffray and Maura Dybwad prepare to release a Dungeness crab off the pier.

Discovery Passage Aquarium volunteers Steve Auffray and Maura Dybwad prepare to release a Dungeness crab off the pier.

Back into the wild

Discovery Passage Aquarium volunteers and sponsors spent last Saturday releasing its creatures back into their natural habitats

  • Sep. 18, 2014 6:00 p.m.

Discovery Passage Aquarium volunteers and sponsors spent last Saturday releasing its creatures back into their natural habitats.

Volunteers took the sea life out of their tanks inside the aquarium and passed them one by one to special guests who got the opportunity to transport them in buckets back into the ocean. One group spent the morning lowering buckets of sea stars and crabs off the pier and into the water while another went down to the beach beside the Maritime Heritage Centre to release the sea life. Pictured, aquarium volunteers Steve Auffray and Maura Dybwad prepare to release a Dungeness crab off the pier. The aquarium is now closed for the season and is expected to re-open in May.

Campbell River Mirror