Mayor Fred Haynes points to where bollards will soon be installed in the next week outside Spectrum Community School to improve traffic calming. (Megan Atkins-Baker/News Staff)

Back-to-school safety improvements near completion on West Burnside Road in Saanich

Projects across district aim to improve cycling and pedestrian experience as well as calm traffic

  • Sep. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The District of Saanich is completing several projects just in time for back-to-school season in response to the needs heard by the community.

One project nearing completion is on West Burnside Road, close to Marigold Elementary and Spectrum Community School.

The cycling experience, pedestrian experience, and traffic calming were the key areas considered for improvement. Pavement markings were improved for children and parents using the crosswalks, with arrows directing the flow of traffic, and bollards were installed all with the intent to calm traffic between pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.

When development opportunities come these projects have to be phased in while considering how to ensure the projects are timely and efficient, said Mayor Fred Haynes.

ALSO READ: Unrepaired safety barrier on Charlton and Burnside West worries Saanich residents

He said that these efforts are all about building safe routes to school and the district is attempting to reduce costs by introducing these projects incrementally.

“We’re trying to avoid the tax increases that would be needed to do it all at once so we’re phasing it in such a way that is efficient and has the lowest maintenance costs possible,” said Haynes.

In an email to Saanich News, Haynes explained that over the last six years the district has worked with the Capital Regional District and 25 participating schools to develop all-encompassing plans.

These plans led to the completion of over 150 actions with another 30 in progress as Saanich staff aim to provide safer active transportation choices for students and parents.

“We recognize the importance of protecting our most vulnerable, and developing early adoption of healthy transportation choices for our children.”

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