Backyard chickens and bees hearing set for Sept. 24

Backyard chickens and bees are still a possibility for residents in Williams Lake with public hearings set for Sept. 24.

Backyard chickens and bees are still a possibility for residents in Williams Lake.

After public meetings and consultation in June, including feedback surveys, city staff is creating animal control amendment bylaws for the public’s consideration.

Public hearings for the bylaws will take place Sept. 24 at city hall.

“I want the public to know the public hearings are set for September, not at our next meeting in August, for more time as well of capturing the people who return from vacation in the fall,” Mayor Kerry Cook said. “It will be a better timeline.”

Coun. Laurie Walters encouraged people to let the city know what they think about the bylaws.

“It’s really important that if people want more information or have an opinion to step up to the plate,” Walters said. “The purpose of doing this and doing it right is so that we can gather the important public feedback and input from the community.”

Coun. Surinderpal Rathor attended the public sessions and said there were good questions asked.

“There is some opposition, and some people have contacted me to speak against it, but I am not speaking against it at the time, and definitely look forward to the public hearings to see what the public wants.”

Once the public has its say, then the council can make a decision one way or the other, Rathor added.


Williams Lake Tribune