Bad season for wasps

Parksville pest control company says this summer's wasp problem was more than twice as bad as normal

If you think the summer wasp season has been particularly bad this year, you’re probably right.

In fact, says Bola Sagbamiye, this summer’s wasp problem was more than twice as bad as normal.

The regional manager of Abell Pest Control said his company normally deals with about 200 complaints of wasp infestations per month in a normal summer, but this year they dealt with more than twice that number.

“Calling it a bad year for wasps is an understatement,” he said. “This has been probably the highest I’ve seen it in about 12 years. It has been very, very busy.”

The reason, he said, had everything to do with the weather.

“Because of the hot, dry summer we had, it allowed the wasps to reproduce rapidly and they were very, very active,” he said. “One month we did 500 wasp nests.”

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