Bald is beautiful in Langley for young politician

At one o’clock in the morning on June 13, under the stadium lights of Langley’s McLeod Athletic Park, Kiersten Duncan and her teammates made a small sacrifice for others living with cancer.

Today, the 22-year-old rookie Maple Ridge City councillor proudly sports a buzz cut.

“Most people recognize what it’s for, and it was quite widely publicized so most people were really excited when they saw me,” Duncan said, about her newly shaved head. “They went, ‘Oh my gosh! She really did it!’”

While this year marked Duncan’s first experience with the Langley Relay For Life – which ran over 12 hours from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on June 12 and 13 – it wasn’t the first time she has given up her locks for a great cause.

Years ago, she donated her hair to Locks of Love, a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 21, who are suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.

Duncan connected to the Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser through her good friend Phil Shuttlewood, who lives in Langley and ultimately was the person who shaved her head for donations.

Duncan connected to Relay For Life through her good friend Phil Shuttlewood, who lives in Langley and ultimately was the person who shaved her head for donations.

“He was getting a team together and my friends and I thought that if we were going to raise money, let’s do something really fun and different that we haven’t done before,” Duncan said.

Hence the head shaving.

Initially, Duncan was the only member of “Shaving Grace” who was going to make the sacrifice.

She dyed her hair pink for a month to bring attention to her cause.

Just past the midway point of the relay, eight team members stepped up to have their heads shaved, which helped “Shaving Grace” collectively raise more than $3,500 in donations for the society.

“It was really cool,” Duncan said.

Duncan said the entire relay experience in Langley was enjoyable, albeit much chillier once her head was shaved.

“It was a little shocking,” Duncan said with a laugh.

Duncan said she’s “very fortunate” not to have been directly touched by cancer but noted, “I’ve certainly lost a lot of family to it. My little cousin is currently battling it.”

Donating to Duncan’s cause were fellow members of Maple Ridge council and the local school board.

“Shaving Grace” is still collecting donations through the Canadian Cancer Society’s Relay For Life website. To make a donation click here.


Langley Advance