Effective immediately, no vehicles are being allowed in Kalamoir Regional Park.
As a precaution due to the extreme fire hazard and single road access into the 27.6-hectare waterfront park, the regional district has banned vehicles from the park.
“Visitors on foot and bicycle are more than welcome to continue using the park in the Lakeview Heights area of West Kelowna,” said RDCO communications officer Bruce Smith.
“We don’t want to take a chance that a spark or carelessly discarded cigarette could ignite a fire, as the risk of a serious interface fire is high and the terrain is challenging.
“As well, should a fire break out in the park, visitor vehicles could potentially hamper firefighting response and suppression as the Collens Hill Road access is long and in many areas only wide enough for one vehicle at a time.
Smith reminded the public that smoking and campfires are not allowed at any time in any regional park.
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