Bark mulch blamed in hotel fire

Sandman Hotel in Walnut Grove evacuated Monday morning after blaze melted an alarm clock in one of the suites

Guests staying at the Sandman Hotel in Walnut Grove got a rude awakening Monday.

A fire that spread from bark mulch to inside the hotel wall melted an alarm clock in one of the suites and led to an evacuation of the hotel around 8:15 a.m.

According to Township fire department, they had been called Sunday evening about a small bark mulch fire. Then they were called again that evening after one of the guests smelled smoke. But nothing was found.

“We think the bark mulch had been smoldering through the night and then got into the wall of the hotel,” said assistant fire chief Bruce Ferguson.

At first, firefighters thought it was an electrical fire because the flames came from the outlet and melted the clock.

Firefighters tore open the wall and quickly put out the fire. Two suites will not be useable until they are repaired. It is estimated there was around $10,000 damage.

The cause of the fire in the bark mulch is most likely a discarded cigarette but with the heat and sunshine on Sunday, there is a small possibility broken glass could have been the cause, said Ferguson.

Langley Times