Scarlet Rose L’Heraux came into this world on Jan. 16, 2018, and is the first New Year’s baby born in the area from McLure to Little Fort. She is shown here with proud parents Emily Langier and Kyle L’Heraux.

Scarlet Rose L’Heraux came into this world on Jan. 16, 2018, and is the first New Year’s baby born in the area from McLure to Little Fort. She is shown here with proud parents Emily Langier and Kyle L’Heraux.

Barriere’s New Year’s baby is here

Article updated Feb. 8, 2018

Article updated Feb. 8, 2018

Scarlett Rose L’heureux made her entry into the world on Jan. 16, 2018, at 3:26 a.m. in Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops, weighing in at 7 lbs, and measuring 53 centimeters.

Scarlett Rose’s proud parents are Emily Langier and Kyle L’heureux of Barriere.

Asked about how they came up with a name for their daughter, Mom Emily said, “The baby name we had picked out was Olivia, but then Kyle came home one day with ‘Scarlett’, and I liked it and added ‘Rose’.”

She also tells that it took “about eight hours of labour” to bring little Scarlett Rose into the world.

Mom Emily says Scarlett Rose has two loving parents and two happy dogs to grow up with in Barriere.

Emily is a pre-school teacher and says she is hoping to open group care for children in her home this coming May, while Kyle works on drilling rigs in Grande Prairie.

The first baby of the area for 2018 was presented with a gift basket from Barriere and Area Literacy Outreach and the North Thompson Star/Journal.

Barriere Star Journal