Barriere's Well #2 needs work says CAO

Barriere’s Well #2 needs work says CAO

District of Barriere CAO Colleen Hannigan presented her report to Mayor and Council at the Mar. 4 regular council meeting. Here are some of the highlights.

District of Barriere CAO Colleen Hannigan presented her report to Mayor and Council at the Mar. 4 regular council meeting. Here are some of the highlights.

Well Update: “This is an update on the issue of the failed Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) at our main Deep Well #2 (Spruce Crescent) which in turn affected the adjacent flow meter in the same confined space vault.

“The District’s Engineer (True Consulting) has advised that the most cost-effective solution may involve re-piping the water from Deep Well #2 through the building thereby eliminating the need for the confined space vault and its associated isolation requirements. A cost on this is being worked on for insurance to consider in their adjudication of our claim for damages. “Since starting to use the Bradford Deep Well #1, there have been a few complaints of more noticeable colouring in the District water. Since some areas seem to be affected more than others, this may be the result of a change in the direction of flows in some of our looped system due to the location of the new wells and the effect of the new south reservoir. This could be causing a “flushing” of these older lines as the water runs in the opposite direction through them.

“Also, we have received good news that the provincial government has extended the deadline from March 1, 2019 to March 1, 2022 for well licensing applications that applies to our existing wells. BC Groundwater continues to work on the license applications for all our wells.”

Emergency Operations Training for Elected Officials: “The Mayor and Councillors Armstrong, Kerslake and Kibble attended an informative session put on by the City of Kamloops on Feb. 28, that explained the overall Emergency Response structures, authorities and mechanisms for support prior to, during and after a local emergency. Time was spent explaining the extraordinary powers the Policy Group (Council) has after declaring a Local State of Emergency in order to make the difficult decisions affecting the safety of their responders, their residents and their communities. The presentation was led by the City of Kamloops’ Emergency Program Coordinator Dan Sutherland together with Mike Knauff from the Provincial Regional Emergency Coordination Centre of EMBC in Kamloops.”

The District of Barriere has Bylaw No.10 which deals with Emergency Measures. “In discussion with the TNRD, who has substantial responsibilities according to the bylaw, it was agreed the bylaw needs to be updated to reflect the new structure of local EOCs and trained personnel at the local and regional levels.”

Procurement Case of the Year: “The Deputy Corporate Officer and I had the opportunity to speak directly with Paul Emanuelli, Managing Director of The Procurement Office, a legal firm that practices and trains others in procurement practices in Canada and the US and whose members recently chose our Winter Roads Maintenance case as the global winner. It has been suggested by Mr. Emanuelli that the District draft a “debarment policy” that could also be included in future contracting documents that would effectively bar someone from bidding on any District tenders, RFPS or other bidding opportunities should they be unsuccessful in a law suit (judicial review, etc.) against the District. This has proven to be an effective tool in the District’s attempt to protect itself from expensive litigation.”

Boundary Extension – Alternative Approval Process (AAP): “The AAP respecting the request for an extension of the District boundary to include privately-owned DL 57 (part of Armour Mountain) closed on Monday Feb. 25, and saw no response forms returned from eligible voters in opposition to the request. Therefore the approval of the electors has now been confirmed. Once elector approval is obtained, council adopts a resolution to request the boundary change, declares that the statutory requirements are met and provides the results of the elector approval process to the ministry.

“A Council to Council meeting has been scheduled for Monday Mar. 11, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. in Chu Chua to discuss their objection to the Boundary Extension request prior to Council considering the required resolution.”

Highway Sign Replacement: “The old NTFFRA Welcome to Barriere – Home of the North Thompson Fall Fair sign on the highway near the Esso has been removed and a new design is being worked on in cooperation between the District and the NTFFRA. Costing and funding sources for the renewal of both south and north signs are being explored.”

HYLouie Renovation Costs: An email had been distributed to a handful of local designer/draftspersons to acquire pricing on a renovation at the HYLouie building that will provide Council with some estimates with which to compare both the HyLouie and Ridge buildings as future or continued office locations.”

Local MLA Meet and Greet: Peter Milobar, Kamloops North Thompson MLA, will be in Barriere on April 12 from 1:30 – 3 p.m at the Ridge.

Barriere Star Journal