Bayside school fields damaged

Vehicle observed driving on wet fields; police seeking information

The fields at Bayside Middle School were torn up this past week by someone in a dark coloured SUV.

The fields at Bayside Middle School were torn up this past week by someone in a dark coloured SUV.

The Central Saanich Police Service received a call from a resident on Dec. 4 who noticed an SUV had entered the field area of Bayside Middle School.

The incident was reported at 11 p.m. but by the time officers attended the vehicle had already fled the scene.

Upon further inspection of the area, officers found deep ruts in the bottom playing field where it appeared the vehicle had gotten stuck. Tire tracks also indicated that the SUV had driven around the back of the school but was unable to find an exit and turned around.

“We’re asking people to keep an eye out,” said Cpl. Pat Bryant.

“The vehicle was described as a dark-coloured SUV, possibly a Pathfinder, and it would be extremely dirty.”

Any information pertaining to the incident can be reported to the Central Saanich police at 250-652-4441.




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