BC Ferries asks for customer input on how to improve Horseshoe Bay terminal

BC Ferries asks for customer input on how to improve Horseshoe Bay terminal

The company will gather feedback as they start to develop a new vision for the terminal.

  • Jan. 31, 2018 12:00 a.m.

BC Ferries is asking for customer input on how to make improvements and meet emerging transportation needs at Horseshoe Bay terminal.

From now until Fall 2018, the company will gather feedback from their customers as they start to develop a new vision for the terminal.

BC Ferries is currently engaging with key stakeholder groups and is planning broader community workshops and online engagement in the spring.

According to a BC Ferries press release, this visioning process is the first of three phases of terminal redevelopment. It will be followed by involving communities in a detailed design process over the next two to four years. The redevelopment construction is expected to begin immediately after that.

“We want to hear what our customers and communities have to say about the future of the Horseshoe Bay terminal,” said Mark Wilson, BC Ferries’ vice president, strategy & community engagement, in the release. “Redeveloping the terminal will support growth in the region, and improve the service to meet the emerging and future transportation needs of our customers.”

According to the release, Horseshoe Bay terminal is currently at capacity, making it difficult for customers to travel. Some of the terminal’s infrastructure will also soon be in need of replacement.

“This visioning process will ensure any future redevelopment takes into consideration the voices and needs of the communities the terminal serves, and we look forward to being part of the process and providing our feedback,” said Diana Mumford, chair of the Southern Sunshine Coast Ferry Advisory Committee.

The redevelopment of Horseshoe Bay terminal is intended to create a more efficient and pleasurable experience for customers, while supporting growth in the region by moving people and goods with greater ease. For more information, visit bcferries.com/about/hsbvision.

Abbotsford News