Aspiring artists of all ages have been performing at the East Kootenay Performing Arts Fesitval. The showcase concert is on Wednesday. Submitted photo.

BC Provincial Performing Arts Festival postponed to next year

The festival, which was to be held in Cranbrook in June, has once again been postponed

  • Feb. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The BC Performing Arts Festival, which was scheduled to be held in Cranbrook this June, has been postponed until 2022.

Corrina Robinson, Provincial Chair Lead, explained that this is the second time the event has been postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The festival was originally scheduled for June 2020. It was then rescheduled to June 2021, and now again, to June of 2022. The dates are Wednesday, June 1 to Sunday, June 5.

“Unfortunately we’ve had to postpone the in-person, provincial festival until next year,” Robinson said. “It will be so wonderful to welcome so many people to the Cranbrook community at that time, if it is safe to do so.”

If the event is a go next year, it will follow the same format as usual, with performances taking place across various venues in Cranbrook.

“We have eight churches lined up, along with the Key City Theatre, Studio Stage Door, and the Royal Alexandra Hall,” said Robsinson. “Having multiple venues is great because it accommodates each different type of performance.”

Each regional festival sends their artists, between the ages of 10 and 28, to participate in the provincial festival. The artists will be adjudicated in nine different disciplines; dance, piano, classical voice, musical theatre, speech arts, chamber music, strings, woodwinds/brass and guitar.

The regional festivals are taking place virtually this year, with East Kootenay performances being professionally filmed and recorded at the First Baptist Church in Cranbrook. The videos will then be sent to adjudicators across the province.

READ MORE: East Kootenay Performing Arts Festival is a go

“Most other regions are having the performers record their own videos, from home for example, but we wanted everyone to be on an even playing field,” said Robinson. “Everyone will have the same acoustics, and be in the same performing space.”

She adds that each performer will go into the church, perform their piece and leave. Cleaning and sanitizing will take place between each performance.

The provincial portion of the festival will be much the same, with performances being done virtually.

“All regions will choose, via video, which performances will be shared provincially and those videos will be sent to adjudicators,” Robinson explained. “The cool thing about this is adjudicators will be from all across the world.”

Five divisions are set for the virtual festival: Voice March 1 – 4, Speech Arts March 5, Piano March 8 – 10, Strings March 12, and Dance March 14 – 16.

Robinson says that the organization thanks everyone for their continued support and patience. She adds that sponsors and donors are encouraged as they have lost some crucial funding due to the pandemic. Because of the delayed festival, one of the major sponsors had to pull out.

“We would very much appreciate anyone who wants to donate or sponsor the festival to do so,” Robinson said. If you are interested in doing so, you can contact Robinson via email at

“We are a tenacious group and community,” Robinson said. “We will continue to move forward.”

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