The Young Lake wildfire has grown to 4,937 hectares in size. (BC Wildfire Service).

BC Wildfire planning for more aerial ignitions around Young Lake Wildfire

Crews completed ignitions on east flank July 28.

  • Jul. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

BC Wildfire complete aerial ignitions on the eastern flank of the Young Lake fire Wednesday, July 28, to remove unburnt fuel between the containment lines and the fire.

Heavy equipment continues to widen and re-enforce containment lines along the eastern flank moving south. Crews have begun mop-up operations along the east flank in the area where planned ignitions occurred to ensure these areas are secured.

Crews are planning ignitions on the eastern flank today, Thursday, July 29, if conditions allow. These ignitions will be supported by firefighters and helicopters that will provide cooling action. The Young Lake fire is estimated at 4,936 hectares in size.

About 48 firefighters, one helicopter, a Structure Protection Unit and 15 pieces of heavy equipment continue to work on the fire, estimated at 4,937 hectares.

More to come.

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