Image courtesy of BC Centre for Disease Control

BCCDC data displays COVID-19 case distribution for Central Interior

13 cases have been confirmed in the Cariboo Chilcotin in 2020 from January to October

The BC Centre for Disease Control has released updated statistics citing cumulative cases from January through October of 2020 in the Cariboo Chilcotin.

Following the Thursday, Nov. 12 novel coronavirus update delivered by provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, BCCDC data for the Interior Health region showed 13 confirmed cases in the Cariboo Chilcotin, 12 in 100 Mile House area and eight more in the South Cariboo.

READ MORE: B.C.’s COVID-19 wave continues with 617 new cases

In the Northern Health region Quesnel has had 13 cases recorded.

In November, one additional case in Williams Lake has been confirmed to date.

Friday, Nov. 13, B.C. set another record with 617 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the number of active coronavirus-infected people to 5,579.

Interior Health, meanwhile, has officially surpassed 1,000 total cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

In the past two days, Interior Health has recorded 42 new cases of COVID-19. Of the total 1,001 cases in the Interior Health region, 173 are active and in isolation.

Cases are mapped by location of residence, however, cases with unknown residence and from out of province are not mapped, the BCCDC said.

– With files from Phil McLachlan/Black Press Media

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Williams Lake Tribune