The City of Penticton is encouraging locals and visitors to be mindful of COVID-19 safety measures. (File)

The City of Penticton is encouraging locals and visitors to be mindful of COVID-19 safety measures. (File)

Be mindful of COVID-19 safety measures, says City of Penticton

"The threat of COVID-19 is not over," says mayor John Vassilaki

  • May. 25, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The City of Penticton is encouraging locals and visitors to be mindful of COVID-19 safety measures.

Recently City staff have seen instances of people not abiding by the restrictions, particularly at outdoor recreation sites. The City’s Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) staff, the City explained, will continue to assess these locations and encourages individuals to pay attention to signage.

The City is reminding individuals that while visiting a park or beach:

  • Ensure gatherings are small, with no congregating between groups.
  • Keep your distance of at least two metres from others, including in parking lots.
  • Wash or sanitize hands frequently and upon returning home.
  • Please dispose of any garbage or recycling in the bins provided.
  • While using an outdoor recreation facility, in addition to the above:
  • Stay two metres apart from other players at all times.
  • Limit play to single or doubles with partners from the same household.
  • Clearly mark your balls and refrain from picking up others.
  • Do not share racquets or other equipment.

“We applaud those many groups who have found creative ways to socialize outdoors while maintaining physical distancing,” said EOC deputy director and the City’s director of recreation and facilities, Bregje Kozak.

“However, we have also seen instances of people not abiding by the restrictions, particularly at some outdoor recreation sites. We will continue to assess these locations and encourage everyone to pay attention to the posted signage.”

EOC and City staff members, the City says, have begun filling out report cards on various locations, with the results being used to track whether the spaces can safely remain open. This progress will also help steer the timing of future phased openings.

“The threat of COVID-19 is not over, and it’s important we continue to follow these safety measures,” said Penticton Mayor, John Vassilaki.

“For example, when you’re walking along the boardwalks, please remember to be respectful of others and move into single file if necessary. Thank you for showing your consideration for others and let’s continue to be safe.”

All updates involving the reopening of City facilities and services will be posted to

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Penticton Western News