If Mission were hit with some type of natural disaster, are you prepared?

If Mission were hit with some type of natural disaster, are you prepared?

Be prepared to survive for 72 hours: Watkinson

Every family should have supplies stored to be self-sufficient for at least three days

This past Saturday’s earthquake off Haida Gwaii is serving as yet another reminder to Mission residents to be prepared for any type of natural disaster, or large-scale infrastructure breakdown.

It is recommended you know the safe places to which to flee at your work and in your home in case an earthquake strikes, said Asst. Chief Larry Watkinson, Mission Fire/Rescue Service.

“Talk to your family and co-workers and make sure they know how to use a fire extinguisher,” he added.

A 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Haida Gwaii at 8:07 p.m. and was located 139 kilometres south of Masset.

If the event had caused more widespread damage, it’s conceivable no one would come to your aid for at least 72 hours, said Watkinson, underlining the need to be personally prepared to care for yourself and family.

A minimum of four to six litres of water per person, per day is the basis of a home kit. Other suggested additions would be a portable, battery-operated radio, flashlight, candles, essential medications, toiletry items, and a crescent wrench that would be used to shut off the gas at your meter.

Also, weather appropriate clothing should be stored in your home and vehicle kits in case you have to walk somewhere else.

In Mission, the emergency operations centre (EOC) is activated immediately during any type of crisis, said Watkinson.

Located at fire station one on Seventh Avenue, the seismic-prepared structure can continue operating even if there is power loss due to its generator.

For more information on emergency preparedness and on what to include in your kit, visit pep.bc.ca.

Mission City Record