Bear caution signs are missing

Seven have been stolen in the Hope area since July

Several yellow bear warning signs are missing around Hope.

The Hope Mountain Black Bear Committee uses them on trails to warn residents when bears are spotted in the area. However, seven of the 10 signs funded by the local Rotary club have been stolen since July.

“It’s really frustrating,” said committee chair Lydia Koot, adding that the committee doesn’t have the funds to replace signs. “They’re not there to beautify the community. They’re there for everyone’s safety.”

The aluminum signs are secured to posts with long screws, but thieves have found a way to remove them soon after they’re put up.

In addition to the yellow bear caution signs, a couple of the white “You’re in Bear Country” signs erected by the district have been stolen. Ian Vaughan, director of operations, said district staff do not routinely monitor the bear signs, which were provided through a Fraser Valley Regional District program. He also couldn’t confirm whether the district has any replacement signs in inventory.

Even though the last bear call in Hope was on Nov. 25, Koot said it’s normal for bears to come out of hibernation in the winter to look for food.

Anyone with information about the missing bear signs can contact Koot at 604-860-4558 or

Hope Standard